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Applying Machine Learning & AI to Help Prevent Suicide 

48,000  Suicide deaths in 2021 

1.7M  Suicide attempts in 2021 

Military suicide rate is 1.5X higher than civilian




Suicide is a top 9 leading cause of death in the US.  Veterans are 1.5 times more likely to die by suicide than non-veterans. Suicide and attempts also impact the health of friends, family, co-workers, business, and the community. The financial toll on the economy is also costly. In 2020,  suicide and self-harm cost the nation over $500 billion according to the CDC.   



Today, the burden for prevention lies on the individual, already in distress, to self-assess and then seek out solutions, such as enrolling in an assistance program or calling a hotline.  Some organizations perform outreach, but they are limited to making phone calls using a simple list of names on a calendar-based schedule.  There is a better way.   


Research-Informed Solution 

ClearForce applies state of the art Machine Learning and AI models trained on the CDC defined categories of data attributes that correlate to high incidents of suicide.   We use evidence-based research informed modeling to accurately identify those who are at the highest risk so they can be prioritized and supported immediately with the goal of preventing tragedy. The output of our model delivers advanced analytics and data visualization products so you can prioritize outreach, prevention support, and reporting.     


The Resolve™ Platform and our modeling service can be utilized to continually evaluate a given population across thousands of social, criminal, financial, and health data attributes in real-time with push-based alerts, investigation workflow, and case management.  Our analytics portal provides a secure interface for self and 3rd party reports of suicide risk incidents.   


Modeling Thousands of Evidence-Based Suicide Risk Attributes  


  • Veteran suicide rates have increased over the last decade

  • 17 Veterans die by suicide every day.

  • 63% of Veteran Suicides had no contact with VHA in year of death (data: 2018)


  • Research-informed machine learning & AI

  • Analytics & data visualization

  • Real-time alerting of evidence-based risk indicators

  • Highly accurate outreach prioritization

  • Web based portal for self and peer alerting of concerning behavior.

*ClearForce provides this data service to private, Federal, and State based Veteran Service Organizations (not veterans directly).

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